About Us

The Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society (CFPACS) is affiliated with the International Palm Society and The Cycad Society. We are a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose goals are to be in operation solely and exclusively for scientific and educational purposes related to the study of palms and cycads, their propagation, culture, conservation, care, and development. We assist in the preservation of all palm and cycad species for future generations as well as promote and maintain public interest in palms and cycads. We welcome folks from outside of Central Florida and internationally as well.

Volunteers Needed:

If you are interested in helping the Society to continue to move forward, please contact us at cfpacs.membership@gmail.com.

UPDATE: We are currently seeking a volunteer to compile and publish The Palmateer, our quarterly newsletter.

Board of Directors:

Our Board includes a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and North, East, West and Central Vice Presidents.  Main duties for all include seeking out future meeting sites for the quarterly tours.

The Treasurer handles the corporate filings, payments, and deposits, etc.

The membership chair sends out meeting notices, keeps the roster up to date and sends out dues renewal notices.

The seed bank coordinator is responsible for taking in seeds from donors, filling orders and keeping track of past due order payments.

Help us keep our Society going!  Volunteer today!

The board members of the Central Florida Palm and Cycad Society.

UPDATE: We believe the bug causing emails to not be delivered to our officers is corrected. To ensure that you receive a response in the event that an email is not received, please CC cfpacs.membership@gmail.com on all correspondence. This will ensure that both the GMail and CFPACS domains receive the correspondence and assist us with troubleshooting in the event it becomes necessary.