CFPACS can help you with information on growing and finding palms and cycads. We have members all over Central Florida who love to talk about palms and cycads and can help you with your specific growing conditions.
JOIN NOW! CFPACS Membership Benefits include:
- Four issues of “The Palmateer”, official journal of CFPACS – delivered on line
- Garden tours of the best public and private palm & cycad collections in Florida.
- Networking and advice from expert palm and cycad growers.
- Purchase rare palms & cycads at meetings via member-only auctions and vendor sales.
- Buy seeds with no fee from our seed bank
TO JOIN: please download our Membership Application (Click Here) in Abode Acrobat format. It contains complete instructions for becoming a member. If you don’t have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download if from the Adobe Acrobat site.
MEMBERSHIP DUES (US residents & non US residents) Payment Options:
Online via PayPal
US Mail
Make Checks Payable to CFPACS and mail, along with your EMAIL ADDRESS (vital) and street address to:
CFPACS Membership
250 North Causeway
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our Membership Chair.
You can also contact any of our board members listed on the About Us page.